Object of Focus

Anne checked her watched and stifled a growl of frustration. She paced around the kitchen one more time before making her decision and walking up to the bathroom door and hammering on it with one fist. “Come on, Farley!” she hollered through the door. “You have been in there twenty minutes already.” “Bathroom time is…

Relationship Talk

“I think we need to break up,” Farley said. “Why?” Matt looked stunned. “I thought everything was going great.” “You know what I look like when I come.” “You know what I look like when I come?” Matt relaxed a fraction, confusion mixing with amusement as he realized this was not a real breakup conversation….

Wax on, Wax Off

Farley was a low-maintenance kind of girl and she liked that about herself. It didn’t take her three hours to get out of the apartment in the morning and she didn’t spend half of her paycheck on beauty supplies. Makeup was typically a once a week occurrence reserved for the days when the stars aligned…

Desperate Serial Killer Seeking Significant Other

Time Stamp: Pre-Matt Short, cute, slightly crazy woman seeking partner. Do you enjoy being simultaneously terrified and aroused out of your mind? Does awkwardness turn you on? Have you ever wanted to date a girl who is more obsessed with your penis than you are? Then we have got the person for you! Her name…

Text Message Panic

Farley had never dated someone who was emotionally in touch and affectionate. She didn’t really understand how to react to cute text messages and spontaneous hugs and kisses that weren’t necessarily a prelude to sex. So the first time Matt sent her a text that read had to deal with so many idiots today. made…

Don’t Believe Everything You Read

Anne came through the door to the apartment, calling out a distracted greeting as she shed her purse and kicked off her shoes. She shrugged out of her jacket and tossed it on the shoe rack as she made her way to the fridge to grab her juice. Opening the fridge she vaguely noted that…

#20 – You are in Danger

Sorry that I didn’t get this one posted yesterday, I was running around volunteering and finishing up the first chapter of my collaborative project! Yay progress! [In no particular order, except for number one because that’s my #1] Note: This piece will be written using gender neutral pronouns (ze instead of he/she and hir instead…

Nonverbal Before Coffee

Anne and her friend Wren were sitting at the kitchen table talking easily over their second cups of coffee when Farley shuffled into the room and headed straight for the small, manual espresso machine on top of the microwave. Wren opened her mouth to greet her, but Anne shook her head. “Far is nonverbal before…

Wilder Side

He stands at the door of the subway, his left arm wrapped around his middle, his right elbow propped on his left arm so he can read his phone. He switches hands and continues reading. I know he is reading because his thumbs are still and his ears are empty. He has a black sporty…

#21 – You are the Only Ordinary Person

Hey y’all! sorry if this one is a bit rambly, it has been a busy busy weekend! [In no particular order, except for number one because that’s my #1] Note: This piece will be written using gender neutral pronouns (ze instead of he/she and hir instead of she/he and him/her) in order to make this…

Serial Killer: Farley

Anne exhaled and dropped the draft she was reading on the table. “Ooooookaaaaay, Farley,” she said. “You sound like a serial killer.” “How!? How do I sound like a serial killer?” Farley demanded. Anne picked the paper back up and cleared her throat. “‘I find most of my artistic inspiration in the human body,’” Anne…

#22 – Reproductive Concerns

A new installment of why NOT to date superhero(in)es! AND HOLY SHIT MY 200th POST!!!! [In no particular order, except for number one because that’s my #1] Note: This piece will be written using gender neutral pronouns (ze instead of he/she and hir instead of she/he and him/her) in order to make this non-heteronormative.   …